Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Drawers, Chests and Wardrobes - Vocabulary

phenomenological - adjective: 1: of or relating to phenomenology; 2: phenomenal; 3: of or relating to phenomenal ism

ephemeral - adjective: 1: lasting one day only; 2: lasting a very short time

polemical - adjective: 1: of, relating to, or being a polemic: CONTROVERSIAL; 2: engaged in or addicted to polemics: DISPUTATIOUS

epithet - noun: 1: a: a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in a place of the name of a person or thing, b: a disparaging or abusive word or phrase, c: the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus; 2: obsolete: EXPRESSION

iota - noun: 1: the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet; 2: an infinitesimal amount

erudite - adjective: having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying

imperturbable - adjective: marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness: SERENE

oneiric - adjective: of or relating to dreams: DREAMY

valorize - verb: 1: to enhance or try to enhance the price, value, or status of by organized and usually governmental action; 2: to assign value or merit to: VALIDATE

superlative - noun: 1: a: the superlative degree of comparison in a language, b: a superlative form of an adjective or adverb; 2: the superlative or utmost degree of something: ACME; 3: a superlative person or thing; 4: an admiring sometimes exaggerated expression especially of praise

All definitions from Merriam-Webster

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