Monday, January 16, 2012

The Metamorphosis - Outline

I. Part 1
a. Gregor wakes up from a night's sleep and discovers he has "been changed into a monstrous verminous bug"
1. His new body makes it difficult for him to get out of bed
A. Missed the train to work
B. Worries about losing his job as a travelling salesman
C. NOT too worried about the fact that he has transformed into a giant bug
2. Tries to go back to sleep
b. Various family members encourage him to get out of bed and get to work
c. Mr. Manager arrives at his home and inquires about Gregor's absence and explains that Gregor's employment is in jeopardy
d. Gregor manages to leave his bed and maneuver his way to the door
1. Tries to cover-up his current condition by shouting through the door that he has been feeling dizzy, and simply needed a morning's rest
A. Assumes that the others can understand him
B. Family and Manager cannot understand him/comment on a change in his voice
2. Unlocks and opens door with his mouth, after much difficulty
e. Family and Manager are horrified by Gregor's new appearance
1. Manager flees Gregor's home
2. Family (led by the father) chase Gregor back into his room and lock him in

II. Part 2
a. Gregor wakes to find that someone has placed milk and bread in his room for him to eat
1. Was a favorite food as a human
2. Now is repulsive
b. The following morning Gregor's sister, Grete, cautiously enters Gregor's room
1. Gregor hides under the couch
2. Grete notices he has not eating the milk and bread
3. She replaces the milk and bread with various food and scraps from the kitchen
4. Gregor is only interested in the very moldiest food
c. Gregor adapts to his new body and enjoys climbing the walls and ceiling of his room
d. Grete notices and convinces her mother to help her move out Gregor's furniture so he has more room
1. Gregor worries removing his furniture will completely remove his humanity
2. He leaves his usual hiding spot under the couch
3. Mother is terrified and faints
e. Gregor escapes his bedroom
1. Father comes home and assumes Gregor has hurt his mother
2. Father wounds Gregor with an apple
3. Gregor retreats to bedroom with apple still lodged in back
III. Part 3
a. Gregor's injury makes movement more difficult for him
b. Family leaves bedroom door open at night so he can view them/feel included
c. All family members have acquired jobs due to money struggles
1. Constantly exhausted
2. Grete has little time or energy to care for Gregor
d. New cleaning lady is very interested in Gregor
e. Family takes on boarders in the apartment to earn extra money
1. Boarders discover Gregor
2. Boarders are disgusted and refuse to pay their rent
f. Grete convinces the family that they need to get rid of Gregor
1. No longer human
2. No longer a contributing member of the family
g. Gregor once again retreats to his bedroom
h. Gregor dies
i. Gregor's corpse is discovered by the cleaning lady
j. Family moves from apartment and ends up leading a happier life with more opportunities

This outline is my personal interpretation of the short story by Kafka, and is not intended to simply reflect the views of my peers, mentors, and/or other scholarly sources.


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